25 Bags to Knit by Emma King

25 Bags to Knit’ - Knitted accessories are becoming increasingly popular, in particular knitted bags. This book is completely devoted to bags and has 25 exciting projects to choose from. From delicate beaded evening bags and pretty fairisles through to bold stripes and chunky knits there is something for everyone.

Book photos used with publisher's and author's permission.

All Beads used in the designs can be ordered here.

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Emma King is an exciting new knitting designer. Not only is she a Design Consultant for the reknowned Rowan Yarns, she also runs her own company, supplying her knitted bags and limited edition kits. Emma has a passion for colour and texture - her unique designs will make knitters everywhere want to pick up their needles.

Heather - Small beaded evening bag using Rowan Calmer and beads with a crochet Lurex Shimmer trim around the top.

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Emma King

Blossom - A broken rib forms the base with a fun flower detail on the front. Uses All Seasons Cotton, Handknit Cotton and Lurex.

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Emma King

Black Cherry -Stripes and garter stitch ridges form the body of the bag. Uses Kid Classic, Lurex Shimmer, Cotton Glace and Handknit Cotton.

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Emma King

Bon-Bon - A simple 'baguette' shaped bag using bold garter stitch. Uses Handknit Cotton and Kid Silk Haze.

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Emma King

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Camouflage - A childs rucksack with pocket detail. Uses All Seasons Cotton.

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Emma King

Arctic - A large chunky bag in simple moss stitch with multiple flower detail. Uses Rowan Polar.

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Emma King

Our staff have had many years experience of working with Rowan yarns. Rowan designs never date but sometimes the colours and qualities that were once the original designs, have to be substituted; we can advise on the nearest shades.
We stock the entire Rowan handknitting range. Please see our Rowan stock list.